Radiant Energy Definition

Radiant energy is invented by Tesla. This is demonstrated by two Tesla patents on radiant energy:
  1. Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy.
  2. Method of utilizing radiant energy.

Details about those two parts:

Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy
Apparatus for the utilization of radiant energy

Method of utilizing radiant energy
Method of utilizing radiant energy

Many people, after watching and understanding Tesla's radiant energy receiver, still ask the question: What is radiant energy? So we are going to find Radiant Energy Definition
Some problems raise:
  • Why did Tesla use the word "Radiant"? 
  • What is electrical energy?
  • And in essence, what is radiant energy?

Below, I will present, analyze, explain, to come to the definition of radiant energy.

What is electrical energy?

We are investigating radiant energy, so it is necessary to understand what electrical energy is? When you leave Energy and Electricity to learn about electrical energy, that is a very difficult problem. So let's get straight to electric power

Electricity comes in two forms, "electrostatic" and "conducted electricity".
Only electricity is conducted, or the transmission of electricity that leads to the consumption of electricity, that there is energy.
According to Eric P. Dollard, who learned most of Tesla's technology at RCA (a radio company in the US), Electricity to generate energy is a combination of electricity and magnetism: Ψ.Φ = Q

Now let us reach out for a few quantitative relations: The product (line, cross, or dot - unrestricted) of the total amount of Dielectricity multiplied by the total amount of Magnetism (when both are in union) gives the total quantity of Electricity. We will call this quantity of Electricity the letter “Q” and name this “The Planck” after Max Planck. For the Einstein dimensions of the Planck are Energy - Time, but let us not think backwards - ass. Saying this in engineers lingo, the quantity of Electricity, Q, is given as Watt - Seconds - Seconds, or Watt Seconds squared.

Now, in one foot of lamp cord, bounded between the wires, I have say, one million Plancks of electric induction. The frequency is 60 cycles (377 radians) per second. Thusly the quantity of Plancks, Q, is being produced or consumed at a time rate of 377 radians per second, or in other words, Plancks per second. Hence the time rate of variation of the quantity of electric induction hereby gives; Watt seconds squared per second, or dividing out, gives Watt seconds. But Watt seconds is the dimensions of energy. Well golly-gee Mr. Wizard, we have defined energy! And hereby energy is defined as the time rate of the production or consumption of the electric induction, or Q divided by t gives W.

The theory was built by the most genius minds of the 20th century, including Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Nikola Tesla, Oliver Heaviside, etc. But capitalism and politics controlled science, making theory Electrical accuracy exists only in their own projects.

The theory is built experimentally and based on Occam's razor principle. Therefore it is correct and wise. "The razor's statement that "other things being equal, simpler explanations are generally better than more complex ones" is amenable to empirical testing."

Experiment on the force lines of conjugate electricity and magnetism:

Figure 1, is the circle of solid lines (magnetic) and dashed line (dielectric) conjugate - orthogonal to each other, with isometric axis CC '
Fig. 2, still the associated geometry: the line perpendicular to the circle.

More details: DIELECTRICITY & CAPACITANCE by Eric P. Dollard

Important math note: Ψ.Φ = Q, the undivided quantity of the total electrification, “Planck”
  • Ψ - the total dielectric induction, Psi
  • Φ - the total magnetic induction, Phi

Why did Tesla use the word "Radiant"? 

According to this link (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/radiant), "Radiant" implies that the energy generated by connection with the medium is not necessarily air, but it can be resistors, coils, vacuum tubes, negative resistors, etc.

Many quotes from Tesla suggest that Electrical energy can be obtained from the environment.

 Electrical energy, Radiant: Radiant Energy Definition

The publicly available Tesla radiant energy technology turned out to be half hidden. Because Tesla's public patent only mentions a radiant energy collector, there is no explicit mention of the source of radiant energy.

However, we still have a clue right in the patent about the source of radiant energy. The source of radiant energy includes 2 main sources:

  1. In the atmospheric environment, the sky, the source of sunlight. Generally from the environment
  2. An artificial source, typically a Tesla coil. Note that the Tesla Coils come in different versions.

The source emits radiant energy by a tube that is connected to a Tesla coil
What exactly is radiant energy?

Now we can definition for radiant energy:

Radiant energy is the potential of dielectric Ψ generated from Electric energy Q = Ψ.Φ. The dielectric emitted is an electrical radiation in the longitudinal waveform of the dielectric (dielectric is a stress of Ether) on a coaxial circuit. The dielectric Ψ carries no energy, but it can charge the capacitor creating the dielectric tension. And when the dielectric tension is released, it will reset Q = Ψ.Φ. A simple example is discharging energy when discharging a capacitor into a load.

When the dielectric tension is released, the dielectric loses its inertia. The magnetic field is the inertia dielectric. So the circuit appears both Ψ and Φ, leading to electrical energy Q.

Ψ.Φ = Q, the undivided quantity of the total electrification, “Planck”
Ψ - the total dielectric induction, Psi
Φ - the total magnetic induction, Phi

Simply put, the refractive index Ψ from Q = Ψ.Φ leads to an electrically charged energy of the dielectric potential. That energy is radiated energy by re-establishing Q again on the circuit.

Radiant Energy Definition
The dielectric index Ψ on a coaxial circuit

According to the diagram above:
The creation of values ​​Q2, Q3, Q4, ... that differ from the original Q is due to the excitation and resonance on the tension of the elastic dielectric in the Ether. The values ​​Q2, Q3, Q4 will be larger than the initial Q value. So where does the added energy come from? That energy comes from the elastic dielectric in the Ether thanks to resonance. This means the activate electricity to create Overunity.
The added energy comes from the external environment and from the matter itself in the electronic circuit thanks to the activation of the resonant frequency.

The proof for generating values ​​Q3, Q4, Q5, ... is Moray's generator. Dr. Thomas Henry Moray, based on Tesla's Ether energy sea research, invented a resonator to generate 50,000 watts. Dielectric tension is created by a crib and a long wire hanging on more than 3 meters high.

Some articles about Moray's Generator:

Notes on Tesla radiant energy sources and receivers

This section will answer some of the issues related to Tesla Radiation Energy.

1/ Solar energy is radiant energy?

If we accept the structural model of the sun as science and media claim that there is a fusion explosion inside the core of the sun, the sun does not contain radiant energy. Because this model forces Photons of light to stay in the core for a long time before it can escape. Furthermore, with this model it will not be possible to have a stable frequency range from the sun.

The sun is still a mystery. But what the sun emits, including light, shows that the sun is a refractive index of the quantity as discussed above. So we have:
  • The sun has radiant energy because it is where the refractive index Ψ from Q = Ψ.Φ
  • Sunlight does not contain radiant energy, but is just form of electrical radiation, or dielectric disturbance in Ether. Because sunlight contains only Ψ. To have energy, you must have Q = Ψ.Φ

2/ What is the source of radiant energy?

As mentioned above, the source of radiant energy is a "machine" that extracts radiation Ψ from Q = Ψ.Φ. But what was Φ then? Φ can then be either a negative or eddy magnetic field, or is always constant. This phenomenon is found in special Tesla coils.

The best technology of separating Ψ from Q = Ψ.Φ to generate free energy, scalar technology, death rays, etc. is still a mystery.

The source of radiant energy is not necessarily the sun, or cosmic rays, but it could be an electronic device. So lead to the question below

3/ Why does Tesla develop a collector of radiant energy from the sky without revealing much about the artificial radiated energy source?

While Ether physics is being suppressed, and alternative theories such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Quantum Physics, Tesla has not clearly explained or disclosed the truth about: Ether, matter. , Plasma, radiant energy, etc. Otherwise the patent will not be disclosed.

Tesla's theory of Ether, or all of Tesla's explanations if published and accepted in science, then Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum physics with magical particle pockets would not work. Natural question: If Einstein was a fool, then Who is behind Einstein?

Another important issue is that Tesla develops a receiver of radiant energy from the sky for space travel technology. That means that with radiant energy technology, it will lead to the creation of "machine" that travels in space without needing fuel.

The Wardenclyffe Tower is nominally a Tesla wireless power project, and is dubbed the device that takes the form of an inverted Tesla coil. But in reality, this is a tower that uses radiant energy to study the shape of the earth, the sun, and learn about the universe. See more of this article: What was the purpose of the Tesla Tower?

4/ Does Radio Wave Energy Contains Radiant Energy?

Radio wave energy is only dielectric energy Ψ and not electrical energy.
Radio waves are one of many sources of radiant energy

Radio waves are longitudinal waves of the dielectric in Ether, and they are not electromagnetic waves operating according to Maxwell's equations. The radio broadcasts will select a carrier frequency band that satisfies:
  • The longitudinal wave of Ψ is consistent with the coaxial circuit created by solid objects and air
  • The longitudinal wave of Ψ is suitable for the atmospheric environment

In fact, a radio wave is a dielectric disturbance on a coaxial circuit available in the environment. And the environment just waits for the dielectric disturbance according to the right frequency.

It is an undeniable fact that radio signals can penetrate walls of houses, while horizontal electromagnetic waves cannot.

Using radio waves to generate electrical energy:
The dielectric energy from radio waves will not be much. So this is not a good way to generate electricity from radio waves
Dielectric energy from the sun contains more dielectric energy. And this is how Tesla mentioned in its patent.

Assuming that there is no sun, but only radio waves, then we can use Moray's method:
  1. Connect weak dielectric energy from radio waves to earth
  2. Use resonance to pull energy from the earth
As mentioned above, radiant energy does not necessarily have a connection with the sky.

Information about Moray radiant energy machine:
Practical guide
✰* Revealed At LastAncient Invention Generates Energy-On-Demand
The design includes:
  • Harnessing electricity from the Earth: Neither is Schumann Resonance, nor is it known by Electromagnetism. It's The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats
  • Extracted from ordinary electricity by the method called “fractionation.”
  • Reverse Tesla coil - "Back to Back" mechanism
  • Combination of radiant energy and negative resistance to amplify electricity 
  • And many other plans for Free Energy.

You will receive 3 free books, with step-by-step instructions for creating Electricity for your home. And how to create generator Moray creator doesn't share for free.

Related: Secrets of Lightning & Dielectric Breakdown Phenomena

Pause with 4 questions about radiant energy. Please leave your comments in the comments section. Thank you.


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