Scalar Waves

In this article, I will summarize the different views about scalar waves. This is Tesla's secret technology hunted by researchers. Therefore, it is little known in mainstream science.

After summarizing the most reliable literature on scalar waves, I will draw my own conclusions about scalar waves.

Main content:

1. Documentation of scalar waves
  • Scalar waves of Tom Bearden
  • Scalar waves by Jean Louis Naudin
  • Scalar waves follow Ken Wheeler
2. My assessment of scalar waves

1. Documentation of scalar waves

Tesla proposed two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and electromagnetic energy. To prove scalar energy existed, Tesla experimented with abrupt discharges of electrostatic potentials, which released scalar energy from the vacuum of space also known as the "ether". Tesla referred to "scalar energy" as "radiant energy" and felt that this was the primal force  in the universe. Learn more: The Possibility of Obtaining Energy from Space

Scalar waves also referred to as Tesla Waves or Longitudinal Waves are capable of penetrating any solid object including Faraday Cages. A transmitter can be placed in a box of thick metal and a receiver outside of the box will still receive the scalar wave. Scalar waves are capable of passing through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength as Tesla showed in one of his experiments.

Traveling faster than the speed of light (superluminal), Scalar Waves are not electromagnetic but composed of pure zero point energy. They also have the potential to be used as a power source.

So Scalar Waves can be used for communication, energy, and other applications. Scalar Waves (longitudinal waves) do what Transverse waves cannot. They are fast, penetrating, connected, and can broadcast magnified power. Their potential is almost limitless. It is even said that it is the technology that Extra Terrestrials use!

Note: With the above concept, we see that electromagnetic waves in general and radio waves in particular are now thought to be horizontal waves. But many documents and many researchers believe that radio waves will take a lot of energy to propagate, if it is a horizontal wave. If you've learned about scalar waves, you probably know Tom Bearden. Even he argued that Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic waves contained many errors. However, Tom Bearden did not assert that radio waves in particular are now vertical waves.

If the radio wave is a vertical wave, then it is almost like a scalar wave. Because it satisfies:

  • Transmission - communication takes very little power
  • The speed is faster than light or slower - because the velocity of the longitudinal wave of the dielectric in the Ether is just the rate of dielectric induction (elastic Ether).

All types of waves must consume energy. Longitudinal waves consume the least amount of energy during transmission. Thus, when defining scalar waves as a type of longitudinal wave, but without consuming energy during transmission, it is unreasonable.

So what exactly is a scalar wave?

Scalar waves are signals that travel without loss of time and energy. This type of wave helps to transmit information instantly and without losing information. In fact, this is not considered to be a wave, but rather it is an instant 2D Causal Communication.

Rationale: The concept of scalar waves, along with theories for it, is a conspiracy to conceal Tesla technology. ????

People created the concept of scalar waves with the purpose:
Conceal radio technology - in fact radio waves are not electromagnetic waves. At the same time, they concealed the longitudinal wave in the Ether.
Conceal technology for instant communication, space travel with just electronics, and flying saucers.

Remember: If it is a wave, it must have a transmission time, with the wave components linked by elastic force. Instant communication is not a wave.

Because "scalar waves" have become a habit in mind, the term scalar waves presented below will be understood as an instant communication tool.

.... But let's continue to examine what scientists say about scalar waves.

Scalar waves of Tom Bearden

How to create scalar waves of  Tom Bearden

The classical electromagnetic waves are transverse waves in which E and H vectors vibrate perpendicularly to the direction of propagation. The EM energy flux is represented by the Poynting vector S = E x H which points to the direction of propagation.

Scalar waves, on the other hand, have no net E and H field vectors, but they can still transmit energy longitudinally, over time, in all directions in the form of potentials. As depicted in Figure 2, a scalar wave can be created by superimposing two radiating electromagnetic waves that are 180 degrees out of phase (or shifted by λ/2), leading to the cancellation of the E and H vectors.  When both E and H are equal to zero, there are no force fields, a state of EM vacuum is formed. In this state, energy is transmitted longitudinally in time, traveling faster than the speed of light, penetrating any objects without decay and all the way out to infinity. This is the power that the established science and engineering community has yet to recognize.

Two out-of-phase electromagnetic waves cancel each other and produce scalar wave (courtesy Eckardt)

Since scalar wave is a potential energy field, the electromagnetic force can be obtained as its gradient. This is the basis for harnessing the energy of scalar waves to generate different effects at the receiving ends. It has been hypothesized that scalar wave is the same subtle energy field or zero-point field energy that encompasses everything, everywhen, and everywhere in the universe. The zero-point field energy is a naturally existent energy that has been proven in quantum mechanics. This is the quantum fluctuation energy at temperature of absolute zero degree kelvin or -273.15 °C which existed before the world began.

Evidence shows that this is Tom Bearden's way of creating scalar waves: a video book about Tom Bearden's scalar - see how to create scalar waves from 3:30 in the video:

After creating scalar waves, we can create scalar weapons. The following is an article on scalar weapons based on Tom Bearden's theory

Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields. Nikola Tesla - Father Of "Star Wars"?

Tesla's Wardencliff Tower at Montauk Point, Long Island, New York.

Tesla at his Colorado Springs laboratory, 1899.
Thomas Bearden's diagrams of longitudinal wave interference:
according to Bearden, these radio waves, known as scalar waves, are far more destructive, and easy to use than lasers.

Is this the real system that the USA plans to put in space?

In recent years the proposal of a "Star Wars" system in space has gained a great deal of momentum and controversy. This proposed system is said to be the ultimate system to insure the security of the United States--and the world, at least by those who propose it. Those fighting against it maintain that it is not technically feasible.

Supporters in the Reagan Administration propose a system that would work like this: when Soviet ICBM missies, loaded with their nuclear payloads, are launched at the U.S., the "Star Wars" system, hovering in space, would fire super-high powered Lasers at the missiles while they are still in the air, thereby disabling them. These super-high powered Lasers would be powered by small atomic explosions within the "Star Wars" satellites themselves.

Critics charge that Laser technology has not advanced enough to enable the United States, or any country, to pull off such a feat. Yet another alternative rarely discussed in the media is available, and it is a technology fifty years old, invented by Nikola Tesla, the electrical genius who lit the world: Scalar Waves!

Scalar Waves are a form of radio waves creating what is known as Longitudinal Wave Interference. Where two Scalar Waves meet, an energy bottle is created which disintegrates all matter within that bottle, producing what is in effect a miniature atomic explosion but without any resulting radiation.

Thomas Bearden, a retired Pentagon war games expert and active consulting engineer to the Defense Department, has written a number of papers on Scalar Wave systems and often lectures on Scalar Waves at Alternative Energy conferences. According to Bearden, the Soviets are way ahead of the U.S. in Scalar Wave technology and are already using it against the U.S.

Scalar Wave technology is apparently very real and deadly. Furthermore, it is a great deal more simple to use than Lasers, far more effective, and does not require mini-atomic explosions to power it. Is it possible that Scalar "Howitzers," as Bearden calls them, is the real system that the Pentagon would like to put into space? What applications might such a system have?

The Pentagon has insisted so far that their proposed "Star Wars" program is entirely defensive, designed to protect the

U.S. from a nuclear attack. Incredibly, Ronald Reagan even said in a press conference once that after the United States had built their "Star Wars" system, they would give it to the Russians, who would then build their own system in space, so the world would be theoretically safe from nuclear war for ever more! Reagan later said in another news conference that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

Where two scalar waves meet, an energy bottle is created, and all matter within that bottle is disintigrated.

More effective than lasers? What is the real purpose behind star wars?

When a "Stars Wars" system using Scalar Wave technology is activated, its uses are in fact more "offensive" than "defensive." If Scalar Wave weapons are real, they are a weapon of such incredible power and versatility, then no one on our planet would be safe from them. Given the proper coordinates, the Scalar transmitters located on satellites in space could disintegrate any target on the planet, be it a missile, enemy base, rioting city district, farm house or persons gathering in a park. Such a "Star Wars" system would be a literal "Death Star" in space! Its uses could be population control, extermination, and military domination of an entire planet. George Lucas may be more of a prophet than he realizes.

On the brighter side, Scalar Waves can be warped into a dome around objects, such as cities or houses (publishing companies included). Such a Scalar Wave force field is generally known as a Tesla Shield, and it would be analogous to the "shields" referred to in the popular "Star Trek" series. Tesla Shields have a definite defensive application, and could not in any way be used for offensive purposes (although a platoon of soldiers charging into a Tesla Shield would be instantly disintegrated). The only defense from a blast of a Scalar Wave Howitzer would be a Tesla Shield.

Therefore, those persons wishing to use Scalar Waves on an unsuspecting population would rather that they were unaware of this technology, and thereby unable to protect themselves by use of the same technology. Is this the reason that the Pentagon does not discuss Scalar Wave technology, but rather maintains that they are going to use impractical Laser technology instead?

Scalar Wave Technology is straight out of science-fiction, yet it was invented more than fifty years ago by Nikola Tesla (see the article by Nikola Tesla in The Anti-Gravity Handbook). Another interesting application of Scalar Wave technology is its use in "Light Sabers." If a Scalar Wave emanates from a gripable handle and then is bent back on itself, it would become exactly like a "Light Saber" as depicted in the "Star Wars" movies featuring Jedi Knights (written and produced by George Lucas).

Are Scalar Waves a real technology? Do the Soviets have this technology? Assuredly so. The Americans do as well. The secret American base at Pine Gap in Central Australia is said to have two Scalar Wave towers in it already. We urge readers to read some of the biographies of Nikola Tesla. Does the Pentagon really plan to put Scalar Wave Howitzers into space? If so, is it purely for defensive purposes? In the following articles and diagrams, the reality of Scalar Waves will be demonstrated.

Bearden's idea of a scalar wave-Tesla howitzer in action

Bearden's idea of a scalar wave-Tesla howitzer in action.

Imagine this system hovering above our planet in space - the US military would rather that you didn't.

Note the Tesla shield at the bottom of the drawing. A Tesla shield is a essentially a scalar energy bottle warped around an object, such as the scalar howitzer itself or even a city, creating an impenetrable force field.

Submission Statement
Electrical genius, scientific titan, prolific inventor with 300+ patents, rival of Thomas Edison, & victim of J.P. Morgan, Nikola Tesla was visionary & practical with enormous powers of imagination, focus, & recall. His legacy gave us alternating current, radio, fluorescent & neon bulbs, remote control, induction motors, turbines, magnifying transmitters, robotics, Tesla coils, X-rays, lasers, wireless communications, & limitless free energy. Capitalism couldn't afford the last 2 so Tesla was defunded. While testing his 'harnessed lightning' transmitter, or 'death ray', using planet Earth as a capacitor, Tesla may have accidentally set off the 10+ megaton Siberian 'Tunguska event' 6/30/1908. (Source: Was Edison Adversary [Tesla] Father of `Star Wars`? by James Coates, Chicago Tribune 8/10/1986 - Reddit)

Scalar waves by Jean Louis Naudin

The Scalar Waves Transmitter V1.0
A part of the TEP Project
created on 09/11/97 - JLN Labs - last update on Jan 30, 2005

With the Scalar Waves Transmitter ( SWT) V1.0 you will be able to do some experiments with Scalar waves transmission.

A simple test that you can perform, is for instance :

a) Take a AM pocket radio for LW band, select a broadcast radio with music for instance,

b) Take a metal box, and put the radio into this metal box with the volume set to the maximum output,

c) When the metal box is closed ( like a Faraday box ), all "normal" electromagnetics waves cannot pass through this shield, if the metal of your box is sufficiently thick... Now, you hear no more music....

d) Take again your LW pocket radio and tune finely your SWT ( about 200 kHz ). Play with the keying switch to hear an BF tone like a Morse code tone.

e) Now, repeat the step (b)......and hear what happen.....Now, you will be able to hear the BF tone clearly through the metal box !!!


This coil has a cancelling effect of the magnetic fields at the nodes (see above), due to the opposing magnetic fields summing to zero. The nodes MUST lie along a straight line.

Once the magnetic field is cancelled, you are left with a field of pure potential. This field will have longitudinal scalar wave pattern. This field will be a narrow thread like beam parallel to the cylindrical axis.

The coil is wound on a 45 degree angle up and down the length of the form creating a series of 90 degree intersections where the windings cross (caduceus coil).

These types of translators (which can also be wound at other angles to facilitate the production of different wave types) tend to create 'free' A, 'free' B, or 'free' E fields which have been separated from the em source wave by selective cancellation of the unwanted component fields of the source wave.

In contrast to the common Hertzian transverse vector waves, scalar waves travel, or rather materialize at the receiving end, at superluminal velocities. Scalar waves also quite effectively penetrate trough objects, such as a Faraday Shield, which would stop an ordinary electromagnetic (Hertzian type) wave.

CAUTION !: This device uses specific scalar waves emission. These plans are not intended for the inexperienced.

Users of this document should be very carefull and experienced in RF electronics to try anything out ! If you do it, the risk of any results is just yours. I take no responsibility of anything that might happen, let it be of a wrong information or anything else.

Scalar waves follow Ken Wheeler

TESLA'S Secret TECH: Tesla Teleforce or Scalar 'waves'. What they are:

Scalar waves are a transmission of information (electricity: Volt / sec) that satisfies:
  • No loss of time (instantaneous)
  • No power loss (no energy degradation during transmission)
  • There are no literally pulsating pulses in space
Therefore, no component of the wave (E / M) oscillates, and we call the scalar wave incorrect. This can be said to be scalar energy, or longitudinal wave in Ether without a spatial setting.

The video mentions AC technology related to scalar waves, and scalar technology depends on the type of transmission material.

2. General assessment of scalar waves

Who is Tom Bearden?
  1. "He is President and CEO of CTEC, Inc., a private R&D corporation engaged in research on free energy devices and the mechanisms for interaction of EM fields and radiation with biological systems. He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS), a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science, and served on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Psychotronics Association and the American Association of Metascience. He edited and published Specula, Journal of the AAMS, for four years. He also served on the Board of Directors of Astron, Inc., a private aerospace R&D corporation in the greater Washington D.C. area, noted for its specialized RF antennas...He and his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tom is retired from aerospace, continues private research, and serves as a special consultant to industry on scalar electromagnetics processes"
  2. "Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden is a nuclear engineer, war games and weapons analyst, and military tactician. He has an MS in nuclear engineering from Georgia Tech and is a graduate of the US Army Command and General Staff College and several US Army artillery and guided missile schools. He has over 30 years experience in air defense systems, technical intelligence, Soviet electromagnetic weaponry, artificial intelligence, computerized war games, and antiradiation missile countermeasures. He is a senior scientist with a large aerospace company [Colsa Corp.] Col. Bearden personally developed and published the basis for a drastic revision of electromagnetic theory and engineering, based on the work of Whittaker and Maxwell. His work is primarily responsible for the widespread interest and research into scalar electromagnetic phenomena in this country over the past decade."
  3. Important: Tom Bearden is a technology researcher Nikola Tesla.
That means Tom Bearden is a follower of the quantum cult, and also a follower of Tesla. But on the other hand, Tesla never accepted Einstein's quantum theory and relativity theory. For Tesla, Electrons and photons do not exist, the nature of light is the dielectric disturbance along the Ether.

If we look at all of Tom Bearden's articles, we will see that his theory contains virtual particles in a vacuum, and does not emphasize the role of Ether. Moreover, his interpretations of free energy activity include Electron, electromagnetic E / M, photons, etc. In general, Tom Bearden is a follower of quantum religion, or does not understand Tesla's technology. Because if he were a person who understood Tesla's technology, then he would not use quantum theory to explain Tesla's technologies.

Scalar waves by Jean Louis Naudin

Jean Louis Naudin creates scalar waves that are just vertical waves like light, and are faster than light. When science assumes that light is not electromagnetic waves, it is easy to see immediately Einstein's theory of relativity is a mistake from the first postulate of the speed of light. But the mainstream science is still trying to defend Einstein's theory of light.

It is possible that some scientists were brought in to distort the science, aiming to hide Tesla's technology, especially radio technology.

Scalar waves by Ken Wheeler

Ken Wheeler is a researcher who invented many technologies for magnetism. Ken Wheeler has worked on "black book Tesla" projects and deciphered Tesla's ideas at major American companies. Currently, he is a free man. Ken Wheeler gave quotes from Tesla and many other geniuses like Steinmetz, Eric P. Dollard, etc.After that was the analysis, summarizing. That is the honesty and fairness of Ken Wheeler. While Tom Bearden doesn't do it, he makes a lot of subjective opinions.

My own opinion about the Tunguska explosion

The Tunguska explosion is man-made. But its technology is not exactly the same as what Tom Bearden said.

The Tunguska explosion is a combination of two free energies:
  1. Electricity collapsed
  2. Electric explosion
Only the theory of dielectric in Tesla's Ether can explain free energy. Here are two quotes from that theory:

Electrical collapse
Very interesting (and dangerous) phenomena manifest themselves when the current path is interrupted, thereby causing infinite resistance to appear. In this case resistance is best represented by its inverse, conductance. The conductance is then zero. Because the current vanished instantly the field collapses at a velocity approaching that of light. As EMF is directly related to velocity of flux, i tends towards infinity. Very powerful effects are produced because the field is attempting to maintain current by producing whatever EMF required. If a considerable amount of energy exists, say several kilowatt hours* (250 KWH for lightning stroke), the ensuing discharge can produce most profound effects and can completely destroy inadequately protected apparatus.

Electric explosion:
Phenomena of enormous magnitude manifest themselves when the criteria for voltage or potential difference is instantly disrupted, as with a short circuit. The effect is analogous with the open circuit of inductive current. Because the forcing voltage is instantly withdrawn the field explodes against the bounding conductors with a velocity that may exceed light. Because the current is directly related to the velocity of field it jumps to infinity in its attempt to produce finite voltage across zero resistance. If considerable energy had resided in the dielectric force field, again let us say several KWH the resulting explosion has almost inconceivable violence and can vaporize a conductor of substantial thickness instantly. Dielectric discharges of great speed and energy represent one of the most unpleasant experiences the electrical engineer encounters in practice.

Electrical collapse will provide energy to create an electrical explosion. Eventually a huge energy is created - free energy.

Source of the 2 citations above: DIELECTRICITY & CAPACITANCE by Eric P. Dollard

Tom Bearden's way of creating scalar waves is incorrect. The simplest argument to point out Tom Bearden is wrong: Because it's Maxwell's inaccurate electromagnetic wave.
To create scalar waves for instant communication, we must set up the dielectric math in Ether and ensure at least two factors:
  1. No space for vacuum - and no truly pure space
  2. There is no time - time is only a measurement of the intensity created by the mind.
Crucially: create a rare dielectric transmission medium for instant communication. This also means making matter disappear literally.
About I will pause on the scalar here because the post is too long, and furthermore, I do not want to disclose.

About Ether and free energy:

The nature of free energy is the Ether energy. Because we cannot create a vacuum - we cannot create a place without anything - we live in the sea of ​​Ether energy. In the Ether containing the dielectric, is a conductor of electricity in Ether, the dielectric has the ability to make the Ether elastic and help the two electrodes release tension to create electric current. The light transmission is a vertical disturbance thanks to the elastic Ether.

So just create a state of dielectric elasticity in Ether, then we can exploit electricity in Ether. An electronic circuit connecting the earth and the antenna is a connection that creates elastic Ether. Thomas Henry Moray relied on the "sea of ​​Ether energy" that Tesla invented to create a 50,000 Watt generator - just by grounding via an electronic device connected to the antenna.


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